Family khan's court Tash-Hauli (harem or haram) is separated from the official part of the palace by a continuous corridor. Its southern part is occupied by five main premises: bedrooms of khan and his four wives. The two-storey construction on perimeter of the yard has been intended for servants, relatives and concubines.
Harem of Khiva Khans
Each aivan of the harem is a masterpiece of Khiva handicraft. Their walls, ceilings and columns are covered with unique ornamental patterns. Majolica panels of the walls are decorated with traditional white-blue painting, ceilings - with red-brown paints. Windows are closed by copper openwork lattices. High wooden carved columns on stone bases are the true masterpiece of Tash-Hauli harem. They represent a big variety of forms and ornamental styles. Their cylindrical wooden surface is completely covered with ring-shaped and spiral vegetative ornaments, lines of Koran sayings and Islamic wishes. It is not only a decor, but also a talisman of the building, spiritual protection of a house column as a pillar supporting the roof.
Carved wooden column in the Harem