Necropolis of Pahlavan-Mahmud is the cultic center of Ichan-Qala. It was built near the tomb of Khiva's patron Pahlavan-Mahmud (1247-1326). He was a poet and philosopher, wrestler and furrier. He was esteemed as a patron of wrestlers and poets as well as healer throughout Khiva, Iran and India. According to a tradition the poet was buried in his own workshop which became the center of the cemetery built between 14th and 17th centuries. When Shirgazi-khan built his madrasah at the beginning of the 18th century, he oriented it to Pahlavan-Mahmud's tomb.
Pahlavan Mahmud Necropolis
The early mausoleum of Pahlavan-Mahmud was built in 1810 by Muhammad-Rahim-khan I (1806-1825). The new mausoleum included the old tomb and khanaka with a high double dome, silhouette of which became one of Khiva's symbols. At the entrance of the necropolis there was built a yard. The gates of the old cemetery became an entrance portal of Pahlavan-Mahmud Necropolis. At the beginning of the 20th century Asfendir-khan (1910 - 1920) ordered to build two-storied korikhona in the western sector of the yard and summer aivan mosque in the eastern part. Necropolis majolica has many cartouches with religious sayings, verses by Pahlavan-Mahmud and names of masters.
Pahlavan Mahmud Mausoleum