State Museum of History of Uzbekistan
In the center of Tashkent, next to the Independence Square and Theater named after Alisher Navoi one can find the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan. It has existed since the Soviet era, and over the years its exposition changed many times and was refined and extended.
The museum's funds include more than 270,000 items. They include archaeological collections - over 60,000 exhibits, numismatic collections (100,000 items), 18,000 units of ethnographic exhibits, one of the richest archive of documents devoted to the new and modern history, as well as a scientific library with unique editions of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as ancient manuscripts.
The museum offers experienced tour guides who will tell you in detail about the most important stages of the history of the country and the whole region. The entire exposition is located on four floors of the building, the first three floors are dedicated to the history from ancient times and till Uzbekistan gained its independence in 1991.
The uppermost floor is devoted to the achievements of the country in modern times.
Address: 100029, Tashkent, Sharafa Rashidova Ave. 3
tel: 998 71 239 1083, 998 71 239 44 25
site: http://www.history-museum.uz/en/
Opening hours: 10:00-17:00, closed on Monday