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Destination: Uzbekistan
Last updated: 09 Jan 2017

Miri-Arab Madrasah, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Active Miri-Arab Madrasah is situated opposite to Kalyan Mosque. This is one of the most esteemed spiritual Islamic universities in the post-Soviet territory. It was constructed in the time of the Shaybanids in the 16th century for trophies gained by Shaybani-khan's nephew Ubaidallah-khan (died in 1539). The Khan gave them to his teacher Miri-Arab ('Prince of Arabs') who was the head of Bukhara Muslims. He came from Yemen and was a pupil of Khodja Akhrar. Madrasah has traditional layout, i.e. two floors with hudjras surrounding a four-aivan yard.

Miri-Arab Madrasah, Bukhara - old photo
Miri-Arab Madrasah, Bukhara - old photo

Classrooms occupy three corners of the building. The fourth one contains a necropolis of Ubaidallah-khan and Miri-Arab. The khan's tomb with a wooden gravestone in magnificent Yemen style is situated at the foot of Miri-Arab's tomb. The portal in the center of the facade has a semi-octahedral arch. Mosque and gur-khana with domes on high cylindrical drums are behind two-sto- rey loggias of the facade. The external decor is covered with carved mosaics of vegetative ornaments and complex Sulth script.
Miri-Arab Madrasah, nowadays
Miri-Arab Madrasah, nowadays
Ancient Bukhara
Ark Fortress
Art gallery, sale exhibition of the Bukhara Gold Embroidery Factory
Baha Ad-Din Naqshband Necropolis
Bolo-Hauz Mosque
Bukhara city
Chor Bakr Complex
Chor Minor
Fayzabad and Zainuddin
Gijduvani Memorial Complex
Kalyan Minaret
Kalyan Mosque
Khanaka and Madrasah of Nadir Divan-Beghi
Kukeldash Madrasah
Lyabi-Hauz Complex
Madrasah of Abdulaziz Khan
Magoki-Attari Mosque
Mausoleum of Sheikh Boharzi
Mausoleum of the Samanids
Namazga Mosque
Trading Domes
Ulugbek Madrasah
Vabkent Minaret
Zindan (Prison)