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Destination: Uzbekistan
Last updated: 09 Jan 2017

Khanaka and Madrasah of Nadir Divan-Beghi, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

The khanaka was the first building of Lyabi-Hauz ensemble. It was a place for staying and meditations of Sufis. This is a massive rectangular construction with central cruciform domical hall and hudjras in the corners. Some time later there was built the pool and a caravanserai made by Nadir Divan-Beghi on its other side. At the grand opening of the caravanserai Sufi sheikhs advised Imamkuli-khan (1611-1642) to give his compliments to Nadir Divan-Beghi for the building made 'for the glory of Allah'. After that Nadir Divan-Beghi had to make the caravanserai a madrasah. The reconstructed portal was ornamented with flying phoenixes.
Beautiful Front of the Nadir Divan Begi Madrassah
Beautiful Front of the Nadir Divan Begi Madrassah

The Madrassa
The Madrassa

Folk Shows inside
Folk Shows inside

In front of the madrassah, monument to Hoja Nasreddin
In front of the madrassah, monument to Hoja Nasreddin
Ancient Bukhara
Ark Fortress
Art gallery, sale exhibition of the Bukhara Gold Embroidery Factory
Baha Ad-Din Naqshband Necropolis
Bolo-Hauz Mosque
Bukhara city
Chor Bakr Complex
Chor Minor
Fayzabad and Zainuddin
Gijduvani Memorial Complex
Kalyan Minaret
Kalyan Mosque
Kukeldash Madrasah
Lyabi-Hauz Complex
Madrasah of Abdulaziz Khan
Magoki-Attari Mosque
Mausoleum of Sheikh Boharzi
Mausoleum of the Samanids
Miri-Arab Madrasah
Namazga Mosque
Trading Domes
Ulugbek Madrasah
Vabkent Minaret
Zindan (Prison)