Hotel «Adras» is made in the old style with new modern design elements for foreign tourists. It is the only hotel in the city of Margilan. In the city you can visit the factory Yodgorlik where different kinds of fabrics like "Adras, Atlas, Baxmal, Shoyi" are produced, which are made from natural silk.
The hotel has a store where you can see and buy a variety of fabrics and finished silk products.
The hotel has 10 rooms for accommodation of 18 people. There is an air conditioning, TV, WiFi, hot and cold water. Breakfast is available in the morning. Near the hotel there are numerous dining rooms, restaurants and bars.
From the city of Margilan, you can go anywhere in the Fergana Valley, for example, Kokand to visit the Palace of Khudoyar-khan, Andijan, Namangan and move across the border to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.